Meet Our Famous Residents!

Here at The Healing Horse Sanctuary, we have three beautiful herds in residence.

Meet each herd and their members below, and find out about all of their individual stories and characters. They really are an amazing bunch, and we are so blessed to get to spend our days taking care of them.

And of course, we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our amazing team of volunteers.

Find out more about us and visit our gallery!


Many of our beautiful equine friends have now passed over the rainbow bridge.  You can find our tribute to them here:

Keep up to date with our latest antics and events!

Every month, our volunteers send out a sparkling newsletter letting everyone know how we horses are doing, what mischief we’ve been up to and keeping you in the loop about how our fundraising is going!

We also send out special invites to our upcoming events! If you’d like to hear all about our antics, pop your details below and we will be sure to include you in the next newsletter we send out!

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Please know, your personal information is very important to us. Horses and ponies don’t like spam either, so we’ll never send you any! Nor will we share your details with anyone else. You are always free to unsubscribe at any time if we no longer make your inbox a sparklier place!

Let’s be friends! Come find us on Facebook and Instagram and say hi!